States now respond to our weather forecast - NIMET DG
Anthony Anuforom is the Director General, Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET), the agency responsible for weather and climatic forecasts amongst others, in this interview, he speaks on the response of states to weather forecasts; the funding and structure of the agency.
How did it happen that NIMET has all of a sudden become a household name in the country?
At the time I took over, we had only 36 observatories across Nigeria, so when we did a self audit to find out the condition of these observatories, the result was very shocking. We found out that out of the 36 synoptic stations, only four of them scored over 50 percent in terms of instrument availability and only four out of 36 scored above 50 percent. The highest score was 64 percent and that was Ilorin. Full Article
Source: Daily Trust