
29 January 2019

Monrovia – On Thursday, January 24 several stakeholders gathered to hold Liberia’s meteorological service (LMS) national strategic plan, which aims at... more

22 October 2018

WMO is ramping up its drive to mobilize political and financial support to strengthen hydrometeorological services in Africa in order to boost climate... more

22 October 2018

Abuja, September 14th 2018. The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is convening a 3-Day regional hydromet Forum and a... more

22 October 2018

Abidjan, 21 September 2018. Representatives of ECOWAS Member States’ institutions, in conjunction with disaster and climate resilience building stakeholders... more

11 September 2018

Trend continues of warmer than normal conditions, accompanied by extreme weather
Geneva, 10 September 2018 - There is a 70% chance of an El Niño... more

10 September 2018

IGAD, FAO and WMO join forces to stave off impacts of climate change on agriculture
The Inter-Governmental Authority on... more

14 August 2018

[ACCRA] Women smallholders’ limited access to ... more

13 August 2018

CAIRO — The heat feels relentless. Temperatures here in August regularly top 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and Sunday’s forecast projects thermometers will hit 100... more
