WMO RA I Management Group convenes strategic sessions on Gender and Capacity Development in Kigali.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - 13:10

Kigali, Rwanda, August 5, 2024—The Regional Association I Management Group (RA I-MG) meeting will be held in Kigali, Rwanda, from August 9 to 10, 2024. The meeting will be preceded by the Gender Coordination Committee meeting, which will take place on August 5 to prioritize sustainable development in the continent. The RA I-MG will address critical issues from the 19th Session of the Regional Association (RA I-19, Phase I).

Key topics to be discussed include operationalizing the RA I Gender Coordination Committee, reviewing the RA I Implementation Plan (2024-2027), and other strategic issues, such as enhancing members' capacity in service provision and research, strengthening strategic partnerships with regional organizations, development partners, UN agencies, and other stakeholders.

The RA I-MG is also expected to discuss strategies for organizing the Africa Early Warning Conference, the outcomes of the sixth African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET), and enhancing the roles of the Chair, Hydrological Panel, and Regional Hydrological Adviser to address the diverse water challenges facing the continent. Also, top regional priorities in the RA 1 Implementation Plan will be identified and budgeted.

The Gender Coordination Committee aims to support the WMO's objective of gender equality and empower women to build climate-resilient societies. The inaugural meeting will align the committee's work plan with the recent RA I Session decisions and the WMO Gender Diversity Inclusion (GDI) network. The expected deliverables include: Updated work plan with a resource mobilization strategy; establishment of an organizing committee for gender workshops; and development of strategy for the implementation of the RA I GDI network.

This Capacity Development and Research Committee focuses on assessing progress in capacity development and research, aligning with the Climate Research for Development (CR4D) initiative. The session will review the implementation of work plan activities and develop strategies for future research and capacity-building efforts. The expected deliverables include a Committee work plan assessed with the next steps identified and strategies to implement recommendations related to the committee's work from RA I-19 and the 78th Executive Council session developed.

The RA1 Management Group  meeting is anticipated to mark a significant step towards addressing regional priorities, fostering gender equality, and enhancing capacity development and research in Africa. The outcomes will contribute to the strategic goals of the WMO and support sustainable development across the continent.

For more information, please contact:

Dr Kosmos E. Akande-Alasoka
Public Information Officer
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Regional Office for Africa (RAF)
Lideta Sub City,
Yared Street
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email: kakande-alasoka@wmo.int