Member states, the African Union Commission, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the World Meteorological Organization have been instrumental in supporting the AMCOMET process as well as the development of the Integrated African Strategy for Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services) and related implementing activities.
The State Agency for Meteorology in Spain (AEMET) supported a programme to improve access to weather and climate services in the agricultural sector in fourteen Western and Central African countries resulting in increased yield for subsistence farmers.
The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Korea Meteorological Agency (KMA) supported the enhancement of capabilities at the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC) in its designation as a WMO Regional Climate Centre and is now considered as a centre of excellence able to generate products and services that support regional and national climate activities, and thereby strengthens the capacity of the region to deliver better climate services to national users.
As part of its bilateral cooperation with Africa; Japan, through the recent 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), has committed to support the implementation of the Integrated African Strategy for Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services) as indicated in the Yokohama Action Plan 2013-2017.
Moreover, China, through the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, has also committed an initial funding of US$ 20 million, to support observation and infrastructure development of meteorological services in Africa through the AMCOMET Platform.
Additional Partners include:
- RECs